Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mortals standing and falling

Mortals we where born and and a time shall come when we will die though we do not know when nor how...five nights ago after having talked 2 a friend I had almost lost....it struck me that I am takin life for granted, people talk about life being a party so you should live it up have fun blah blah blah the whole works.....they have rielly no care in the world except when it comes 2 gurlz n education they lack the sight of seeing much farther than that....these people enjoying there life with out a care in the world....i envy them.....I pity them becuz when reallity kicks in its gonna kick in hard life aint no party, itz unpredicatable at the most. Despite all those close brushes i had wit death I remained stubborn tryin 2 enjoy life but i failed... and i failed miserably....everyday for me is a constent reminder of the past from the people I see and talk too, to the places I walk memoires flash back....pain enters my heart, tears come to my eyes, my chest tightness......alwayz havin 2 keep my guard up for the fear of some foe i messed up way back comin for a pay back........we all die....sonner or later, for we are mortals

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