Im running through the trees twisting and turning avoiding the tress, branches wipping my face, cutting my skin as if they were small knives leaving cuts on my face, there tips wet with my blood leaving a trail my pursuers can follow, good that is just what I want, distantly i can hear the barking of there hunting hounds and the encouragement and cursers of there masters, the path has become slick and wet wit a dark substance...blood? it is to dark to tell; oh no please dont be please it cant be......I dont have the time to make sure I must reach my sanctuary before they catch up too me....Im almost there I can see it; my mind is racin I smile, a small smile i earned last im almost there!....and then I trip and fall Im rolling and tumbeling, my head is spinning, a taste of blood and mud are in my mouth, im dazed and confused I force myself to my feet and keep running the sounds are closer! they are almost on me I must run faster! 10 more yards and im there....suddenly a hear a whislte as a bullet whips ever so close to my ear, 1 more yard! the bullet is followed my a whole escort of bullets Im there! I dive in to my sanctuary, my foxhole...all of a sudden the forest erupts around me in a fire of bullets and greandes, they outnumbered us atleast 10-1 but we have the eliment of surprise. They are shocked by the turn of events but they have numbers they try fighting back, there men are fighting or dying (mostly dying) I poke my head out of my foxhole and point my MP5 at a mans a boy! he looks so young and even familiar what is a boy doing in a mans war? i lower my gun...just a little then a little more and fire his legs give under him....I stare at him then suddenly im pulled downand the ground above my blows up, I black out...........
Later, much later I wake up everything is blury at first but then slowly things become clear, i push myself to my feet moaning shake my head and turn around.
" Major Bilal sir!" he says
"At ease officer, report" I reply
"398 dead sir, 102 wounded and taken prisoner sir!"
"Our own?" I ask
"Sir! 11 lost, and 18 wounded sir!" he awnsers
"Show me"
"Sir?...the wounded or the dead sir?"
"Both, the dead first I want them buried quickly it is not right to let fellow soldiers rot, even enemy soldiers" and then I ask "I trust you did not move the dead?"
"Sir! no sir!" he replies
I walk on the battlefield lookin for someone some of the corpses and faces are blown away u cannot tell 1 from another, bits of human parts are scaterred, an arm here a leg there a head over there, guts everywhere...and then I stop there it is the body the boy his pretty face strangely look calm a bullet had takin him right in the bullet? no I shot him in the legs..yes theres my mark.....who shot him??? poor kid...his eyes! theres so much fear in them and then I reconize him he was the boy I saw in the market being beatin by some older boys and I came to his rescue, I fall to my kness and wrap my arms around his head and bring him close tear form in my eyes they trickle down my face and onto his eyes for a moment I hope hes really alive and hes crying...I shake him but he does not move.....strong arms grasp me and pull me up...
"Sir?" he asks confused
"This is what it has come to" I wipe the tears away "See to it that you bring this body with us, I shall bury it myself but not here no, not here, by a tree and when it rains it will wash his tears away"
"Yes sir! Sir we should move on now the dead are buried and Dawn will come soon sir"
Dawn yes the startingof a new day......
"It is over sir" Officer Ahmed replies
"No it has only begun" I reply