Thursday, January 26, 2006

Reality, Despair, N Darkness

Well maybe now I should just say goodbye
You all used to be my friend's
But I never felt I really was yours
So maybe this is the end.
I'm different from you, all of you
Each other we've never understood
I hope that if I do tell you goodbye
That it will be for good.
Whenever I'm sad it hurts me so bad
And you care,
But it aint fair,
I don't know why,
I just want to cry
And someday I won't be here.
The streaks of red on my arm have done me no harm
They're only made of blood
But once they are blood that turns brown like mud
They'll be there again and again.
If I'm mad at you I'll hurt myself too
But that doesn't really matter
Although when I hurt I feel lower than dirt
And my spirit's bruised, battered, and tattered.
I do not know why it has to be so
I just know that it is so
But the way this has been going it is basically shot.
You don't need me
And that's how I think I know why
These words are the ones I have to speak-
I love you all, but goodbye.....


Louise said...

Hi! um... u posted a comment on my blog ( ) and i just wanted to say thank you! you make alot of sense! and you made me see stuff that ive never even thought about before! so thanks1


~Death Before Dishonor~ said...

Once someone is called something of your own there is no need to receive the same feeling back…this is what prevents us sometimes from standing up to ourselves…..differences are great things that allow us to survive I’m sure you are well aware of the phrase “survival of the fittest” in the world we live in we are already forced to adapt this “monoculture” differences are what prevent it from taking over…and yet happiness and sorrow are both emotions …the results differ yes but both have their positives…and negatives but in the end love never says goodbye

Louise said...

Hey! this poem is really depep, it kinda refers in a way 2 sumone slitting their wrists or something, well at least thats what it sounds like to me! and this poem sound so familiar to me, i mean in the way i see and do things.
