Monday, January 23, 2006


"Why do you read so much" Laila asks me in the library

Im read as I walk, when I am on the bus, in between classes, every chance I can get I like to read.....something of a hobby, though people do not understand why. I enjoy reading all sorts of books such as Comic books, Fantasy, Fiction, Graphic novels, Humor, Magazines, Myths and Legends, Newspapers, Non-fiction, Poetry, Sci-fi...and just about every book I can get my hand on...

I take off my glasses put my book down, and looked up at her smiling and said....
"Laila im trying to read you mind!"

...chuckling I tell her that the written word is all that stands between memory and oblivion. Without books as our anchors we will be cast adift with neither teaching or learning. They are the windows of the past, mirrors of the present, and prisms reflecting all possible futures. Books are lighthouses erected in the dark see of you see that is why I if you will excuse me binti shouldn't you be studying?"

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