Friday, May 12, 2006

The Lost Roots....

So I have decided not to join the aiyc soccer, it's all just fuckin pissing me off, a month in advance and particularly every week I have ben asking "when is soccer starting", only to find out yesterday that is has already stared 3 days ago n they got 16 guys on the ta plus another additional 'subs' ,4 of them, its like what the fuck?!?! this is the second time im being fucked over first hockey now soccer??? ive been with the ikwhaan soccer since day one pratically, and now like fuck! it's all about winning its no longer about having fun n brotherhood.....I think the roots of why this organization was started has been lost sure we got the whole events n stuff like that but in the end it does not do anything cuz it is not in the hearts of the people....the only real reason I got playin time las yr was cuz most of the guys were offensive players (they could play D but they preferred/better at offence) so I surprisingly got playin time, cuz usually I do not, ill be straight, im not crazy at soccer but hey I have been gettin better, I go to the practices (and in 99.9% of the cases im early and usually the first one there) and for what hardly ever gettin to play in what 3 MAC tournies I did not play at all I was on the side watchin the whole time....and everytime I remember thinking 'its ok it wont happen next time" yet it always did...sadly its all about winning....I just pray that bball does not turn to the extent hockey n soccer have come too

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