Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Unless your heart is a dance of hope, how can your life be a song of peace?.....Last night after fiishing my class I ran into none other then the One and the Only..........The New Chicken Jawad Jaweed!!!!! (inside joke:P) man it was good times we laughed n joked around, we where having a comedy time....then WHOOOSH there goes my Bus!!!! ...from there I had to run bout yaa 2 blocks?...perhaps 3?....cuz in the mist of our merriment ic my bus zoom by...the smile on my face turns into shock, my eyes go wide....throwing caution to the winds I say a quick salam, and dash across the street and run as fast and as long as I can, fortunately for me I am in great shape and have a lot of stamina, my initial reaction was that I couldn't catch it because I just sat 2 hrs in class and it waz clod outside to my joint where all stiff but by the Grace of God as soon as I saw that bus by body sprang into action.....I felt like a shooting star, man I do I love beingin shape! :D

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