Friday, July 28, 2006

To the Readers....

Those who read my blog....

Please bare in mind that when I write in my blog I write excatly how I am feeling...I am often caught up in my emotions, And I write whatever comes to my mind....but know this about me...Anything I say I will do, I do not like to go back on my words.

What really bothers me is how people read my blog without knowing me and who I am....Reality check: I have changed much over the span of these last few months, my views upon many a thing has changed. I have experienced much (there is little of which I do not write on this blog, due to the fact of what I have already wrote down on the blog before this (last paragraph first 3 sentences)) This is what I get out of what my mother has told me...r u saying she is lieing to me? would be very interesting for I have never knowin my mother to lie...Especially over something like this.....

If I have made it seem like I am a "victim" or w/e...let me correct that. It has never been my intention to seem like that are hint at anything along those lines...victim? experiences, life experiences that only made me stronger. I don't care about what ppl say about is the others around me that I care far as I am concerned they are nothing but cowards for they cannot say this to my face but must hide and whisper there plots in the they think they can get away with doing the things they do in the dark??? Well just remember it will be revealed in the light.

I unlike other's I am open about what I do...I do not hide it I am no coward nor do I fear any mortal...yes a chill with the opposite sex..Due to some incidents that happened in the past I no longer really comfortable with chilling with guys (Im SURE you would know That from my previous blogs)....Dont acuse nor point fingers at me without knowing me, besides you are only pointing 4 back at yourself...something I learned at the Islamic Syposium...If you have a problem face me with it don't be shy, I wont bite......

On Further note if you do not like what I write on my blog that's fine you are entitled to your own opinion. Note that I am not trying to spread or promote Islam or any religion for that matter, I respect the religion(Islam) just like I respect all other religions whatever they maybe.

what I find funny is how people are so busy looking at other peoples faults that they forget to look at their own.....And in some cases they end up doing what they are condemning others of doing...

If there is any clarification need or something you want to say or ask here is my email (I ask that you show some respect and not abuse it)

I never asked for nothin I don't demand of myself
Honesty, loyalty, and then courage
Death before dishonor and I'll tell you what else
I'll tighten my belt 'fore I beg for your help

Saturday, July 22, 2006


July Blog...I have just been so far behind, and there is still more to add!

On jasper ave....just got out of starbucks, crossed the street and came across Ellaf (is that how u spell it?) who was sitting beside one f the pillars of Fluid, my initial thought was "there's something you don't see often, an Arab hobo!" it was quite a comedy spectacle, there she was sitting up hugging her knees, with her cell in her hands and guess what her explanation was "Im hiding from my dad!" lol....

Hafsa has natural blue eyes! damn thas hot! She was the only person I really actually stooped to talk to and had a convo with (several actually) man it was great to see her let alone talk to her after so long. Oh and Aliya and Sharifa man it was great to speak with them...oh funniest thing, Sharifa being Sharifa (that it being the weird individual she's is) and by doing the foolish things she does, she is walking for the doors at the speed of someone who has to take a duke:P unfortunately for her she ran into some difficulties at the door, instead of pulling the door (like it says on the sign 'PULL') she pushes and ends up crashing into the door and ends up hurting herself!:P

Okay the cutest kid, I had gotten him water and he was like "you put so much" (in urdu) it was so cute!...Oh and a another lil African-American kid was showing me his loose teeth, he was playing with it, so I told him that he should not play with them. He asked to see my teeth, so I did. He saw how big my k9's where and he asked if I was a vampire; "Yes" I replied, his eyes went as big as melons. Laughing I told him I was joking, afterwards he spelt his name on one of my noye cards and doodled. His name is Muhammad good-noor (he did not know how to spell his name, being that he is only 6yrs old) He went on to tell me about how smiling areot supposed to have girlfriends. He also tried pushing the couch, but he could not, cute:P
I drew him some pictures, some of which he wanted to keep so I let him, while I kept a few.

Ran into Ellaf's (spelling it right?) brothers Umjud and Ahmed, I was quite surprised to see Umjud there, ahmed man that lil smurf he had the look of being up to something deviously evil..:P

I got yelled at by my mother the other night. Some fools are spreading crap about me yet again. AND they are going onto my blog, taking my info, misinterpreting it and all that bull. Making my mother cry, when and I say when for I will find out no matter the cost, and I will make them pay for each tear my mother has wept. I will hunt them through all of the 7 hells if need be. May God have mercy on them, for I wont......

~I don't want to be the one battles always choose,
Becuz inside I realize that I'm the one confused,
I don't know what's worth fighting for,
And why I have to scream,
I don't know why I instigate,
And say what I don't mean,
I don't know how I have come this way,
I know it's not alright~

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Life......why does it torment me so?....I have freinds whom I want t be there for yet I cannot...y?...why does God mock me so?....I look at there pic, there page and i can fel what they are going through and I want to be there for them, for they are my friends...yet what am I to do? I have been given the gift the sence others pain even when they try hiding it, but am cursed with shyness an am not a people just to shy! :S .......

~Being made a mockery of~