Monday, April 03, 2006

Random n Odd

I need 2work n my game!...both bball n soccer...flip I don't think im going to get on the soccer team this year cuz I really suck!....

man i had another dream again (well same dream) and it was comedy yogee was wearing her ESPIRT hat N was breakdancin wit all these ghetto smurfs, jocey was leading a hijabi revolution, moe was checking out the gurls on both sides, random came in the middle n was confused so she told everybody to sit down...then tunnu was crying out very dramatically "WHY OH GOD WHYYYY"....n then she did the the G U J J U dance :P..and all hese randoms gujjus popped out of no where n did the gujju dance......oh man every1 was in that dream an ya they all played apart it was pretty funny.....

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