Thursday, March 30, 2006

Random x2

im a sooo sick!....huge headaches, feelin weak, lost my appettite so im gettin so skinny like all skin n bones!.....have not worked out for about 2weeks, and on top of it i think the whoel wrold knows that i was in the hospital and the reason why like fuck!....let a man be....n ya just a tootalt random lg im feelin so out of it :S

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


just had another day of work n got off the fone wit mahmoud, man i love this guy "yo man ur work in west ed! damn all the hot chicks u get 2 see n work wit!" hahahha no matter what all he thinks of is the other going to tell his wife...n sis :P .......i think i lost the feeling in my legs im so tired.....

okay 12 ppl have had flippin dreams about me dyin n shiet like wth!...oh n i mite be goin to toronto very soon n ya thas my tale

Thursday, March 16, 2006


going for my jog today and i noticed this person chained up there dog outside sobeys and the dog was freezing cold n was whining i felt so bad for it that i wanted to unchain it but instead i went up to it patted it played a bit with it n was pondering on lettin it go n finding it a home when the owner came flip gave her a dirty looked n flipin it took i had to not yell at her!....n ya tyhas my story

2nd day n a row n im still so soooore! did i get rocked n hockey! :S

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


My desire is as deep and boundless as the sea,
But when the tides resides,
The rocks of shame and guilt thrust up as sharp as ever.
Sometimes the waves will cover them up,
But they remain beneath the waters,
Hard and black and slimey...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


SNAP! man las nites game was awsome ...well atleast thats what i think...personally i i am so happy wit maself i played so well the guy i was coverin only got 1 shot in n that was due to the fact he was much taller than me..youcef had same crazy ballin goin on i was wow everybody back up!!! u gonna rip it like this son!!!! kape im a lil high at the moment so im gon leave off here....

Friday, March 03, 2006


missed flippin bball pratice 2morrow n im flippin annoyed i really wanted to go i got home like 8 bloody 50 quickly called youcef n murtada but it was 2late n flip aske my father just this once for a ride but he could not n it was far to late to run it FLIPPPPPPPPP n the stupid movie it wazent all that flipin great arrraggggggggggggggggggggggh atleast I managed to get up for fagr salah...flip in flipin stressin just wanna swear like crazy but that is not going to accomplish any thing which is y im restraing from it arraggggggggh

...but hey got the job a le chateau! n ya starting next fri bn ya thas my tale....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


shaved my head yet again but this time I gave myself I kinda mohawk like a really small one that runs diagonally across he top of my head it looks sweet.....or in Laila words "Wow u keep gettin hotter!" hahahaha your on crack Laila!....n now ppl are callin me shawn this I reply "No, Bilal Ahmed"......talked to a friend whom I have no spoken to for well months now wow it was good to hear her voice.....n ya thas my story (im gonna kill u random itz still stuck in my head!!!!)